Lisa, the founder of Bright Stars Occupational Therapy Ltd, is a highly experienced and fully qualified occupational therapist. She is registered with HCPC and is a member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) as well as the Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) Specialist Section. She has served on the RCOT CYPF executive committee and was the co-founder and chair of the RCOT Preparing For Adulthood (PFA) Clinical forum.
With 16 years of experience working as a children's OT and 10 years as a Highly Specialist Children's OT, Lisa is well-equipped to handle all aspects of OT assessments, EHCP processes, neurodivergence, and sensory processing difficulties. She is dedicated to helping children and young people overcome any difficulties they may be facing and always promotes and uses positive, neuro-affirming practice within her clinical work.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skill (or dexterity) is the coordination of small muscles, in movements which usually involve the synchronisation of hands and finger, with the eyes.
Looks at difficulties with handwriting, completing buttons and zips, using cutlery, shoelaces and hand strength.
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills involve the ability to use the larger muscles in the body to execute big movements such as running, hopping, throwing, catching and kicking.
Looks at all the bigger muscle movements such as running, jumping, skipping, climbing and riding a bike.

Self-Care Skills
Looks at difficulties with dressing, personal hygiene, using the toilet, brushing teeth and washing hands / face.
Sensory Processing
Sensory Processing – or Integration as it is also known – is the effective registration (and accurate interpretation) of sensory input in the environment (including one’s body).
Looks at each of the sensory systems and assesses how your child processes the incoming / outgoing information.